Kites series
Image courtesy Belenius/Nordenhake
- n59.328048e18.137234, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
Image courtesy Belenius/Nordenhake
- n59.364901e18.225168, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
Image courtesy Belenius/Nordenhake
- n57.416450e11.934089, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
- n57.416397e11.933711, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
Image courtesy Belenius/Nordenhake
- n57.680225e11.668012, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
Image courtesy Carroll/Fletcher
- n50.186091e1.643751, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
Image courtesy Carroll/Fletcher
- n50.2046109e1.5382692, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2016
- s33.9187002e18.3998161, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2017
- n22.228825e113.938204, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2017
- n22.215433e114.249647, Inkjet print on canvas, high aspect sailcloth, wrapped carbon tubing, antenna wire, kite line, 138cm x 178cm, 2017
Total Internal Reflection connects together a series of moments from Roth's trip shot with a full-spectrum ghost-hunting camera. The audio for the piece, recorded on location, is drawn from a custom-built instrumental transcommunication device or 'ghost box', which scans radio frequencies at regular intervals. Roth built this device himself based on open source schematics supplied by engineers in the paranormal community, premised around the idea that a disembodied force might be able to communicate by arranging these radio snippets to form messages. The scanning of radio static blends with the ambient noises of waves and wind and the warm tones of the images to evoke a powerful sense of place.
— Carroll/Fletcher
- Landscape with a Ruin, Mona Bismarck American Center, Paris, 2017
- Carroll/Fletcher, Looking at one thing and thinking of something else, London, UK, 2015
- Belenius/Nordenhake, Kites & Websites, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016
- Liberation, Art Plages d’Informations, 2017
- Svenska Dagbladet, Det är inte längre naturen som är sublim, det är datanätverket, 2016
- Kunstkritikk, Internetromantikern, 2016
- Vice/the Creators Project, Eerie Infrared Kites and Track Down the Physical Internet, 2016
- Fast Co., The Mysterious Infrastructure Of The Internet Made Visible, 2016
Related Media
- Kites & Websites Book (pdf)